Registration for*
Name of the governing agency*
(In case your city name not available, select nearest city from the list)
Sanctioning Authority*
Project Built-up area excluding basement for parking (Sqm)*

Ground coverage area (Sqm)*
Project typology*
Construction started on site*
  Yes    No
Status of Construction
Population (as per the latest census)*
Building is operational since*
Site plan/ Master plan ( dwg/pdf/zip/rar)*
Site photographs with date stamp(jpeg/gif/tif/zip/rar/jpg)
3D for proposed development (jpeg/gif/tif/zip/rar)
For further details please contact
* For Projects having built-up area less than 20,000 sqm and wish to apply for GRIHA pre-certification
* For projects applying for GRIHA rating and GRIHA pre-certification both
* For any other registration related query
Any future correspondence regarding the project will be held with following person:
 Agree to All
The site plan must be in conformity to the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines
  Yes    No
Preserve existing mature trees on-site
  Yes    No
Total surface parking not to exceed as permitted by the local building by-laws
  Yes    No
Automatic controls to be installed for 100% of outdoor lights
  Yes    No
Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers
  Yes    No
Reduce air pollution during construction
  Yes    No
Reduce water consumption in building by 25 %
  Yes    No
Window Wall Ratio (WWR) % less than 60 %
  Yes    No
Skylight to Roof Ratio (SRR) less than 5%
  Yes    No
Project can provide compliance for shading strategies either by using a single strategy or a combination of any of the following three strategies:
  Yes    No
All the fenestrations meet the SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient) requirement of ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code) – 2007
Use Tables 9 & 10 of SP 41 to design the shading device for the windows. Northern region comprises of latitudes more than or equal to 20 degrees North and Southern region comprises of latitudes less than 20 degrees North.
Conduct solar path analysis for windows of AC as well as non-AC spaces, to ensure that the window is completely shaded between 10:00 am on 15th March to 4:00 pm on 30th September
Minimum 25% of the living area shall be daylighted and shall meet the level of daylight prescribed in NBC ( National Building Code) 2005
  Yes    No
All mandatory compliance measures (for all applicable buildings) as recommended in the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007 of BEE shall be complied with i.e. building envelope, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, service water heating and pumping, lighting and electrical power
  Yes    No
Compliance with thermal comfort condition as prescribed in NBC 2005/ASHRAE and achievement 10 % reduction in GRIHA benchmark EPI (Energy Performance Index)
  Yes    No
Rated capacity of proposed renewable energy system is equal to or more than 1% of artificial lighting (internal and external) and space conditioning connected loads
  Yes    No
All insulation to be used in the building shall be CFC and HCFC free
  Yes    No
All HVAC and refrigeration equipment shall be CFC free
  Yes    No
The fire-suppression systems and fire extinguishers shall be halon free
  Yes    No
Water used for various purposes like drinking, irrigation etc. shall conform to the BIS standards
  Yes    No
Smoking is prohibited on site
OR Necessary provisions shall be provided in the mechanical ventilation system by the HVAC consultant
  Yes    No
A mandatory energy audit shall be conducted by a BEE certified energy auditor (post occupancy)
  Yes    No
An Operations & Maintenance protocol to be specified for operation and maintenance of the various systems in the building
  Yes    No
 Agree to All
The site plan must be in conformity to the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines
  Yes    No
Preserve existing mature trees on-site
  Yes    No
Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers
  Yes    No
Reduce air pollution during construction
  Yes    No
Water used for various purposes like drinking, irrigation etc. shall conform to the BIS standards
  Yes    No
Demonstrate through simulation that mean DA requirement (< 3000 lux) is met for 100% of the annual analysis hours for 100% of the regularly occupied areas
  Yes    No
Window Wall Ratio (WWR) % less than 60 %
  Yes    No
Ensure that vertical fenestration complies with minimum VLT of 0.27
  Yes    No
Project can provide compliance for shading strategies either by using a single strategy or a combination of any of the following three strategies:
- All the fenestrations meet the SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient) requirement of ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code) – 2017
- Use Tables 9 and 10 of SP 41 to design the shading device for all the windows
- Conduct solar path analysis for windows of air conditioned as well as non-air conditioned spaces, to ensure that the windows are completely shaded for the duration between 0900 hours on 15th March to 1500 hours on 15th September
  Yes    No
Ensure that all regularly occupied spaces meet or exceed illuminance level between 100 lux and 2000 lux for the minimum percentage of floor area prescribed in Table 10.3 for 90% of the potential day lit time in a year. UDI compliance to be demonstrated through simulation using validated software
  Yes    No
Artificial lighting design to fall within limits (lower and higher range limits) as recommended space/task specific lighting levels as per NBC 201621 and to meet a minimum uniformity ratio of 0.4.
  Yes    No
Ensure that the project meets the thermal comfort requirements for all regularly occupied spaces
  Yes    No
Ensure that all interior wall and ceiling finishes (including, but not limited to, primers and paints) have low VOC content and are lead free
  Yes    No
Demonstrate that 100% of the annual energy consumption of internal artificial lighting, HVAC, and domestic hot water systems is offset through off-site renewable energy systems
  Yes    No
All insulation to be used in the building shall be CFC and HCFC free
  Yes    No
All HVAC and refrigeration equipment shall be CFC free
  Yes    No
The fire-suppression systems and fire extinguishers shall be halon free
  Yes    No
Reduce water consumption in buildings by 10 %
  Yes    No
Ensure compliance with all relevant government-notified waste management rules
  Yes    No
Ensure that smoking is prohibited on site OR Necessary provisions shall be provided in the mechanical ventilation system by the HVAC consultant
  Yes    No
Ensure that a mandatory energy audit shall be conducted by a BEE certified energy auditor (post occupancy)
  Yes    No
Ensure that a core facility/service group is formed, which will be responsible for the O&M of the building systems and equipment post installation
  Yes    No
Ensure the inclusion of a specific clause in the contract document of the system’s supplier for providing training to the core facility/service group responsible for the O&M of the building systems
  Yes    No
Ensure the development of O&M protocol in the form of manual/CDs/multimedia/ information brochure enlisting the best practices for O&M of the building systems
  Yes    No
 Agree to All
The project for construction must have all necessary clearances as the local building bye-laws/ municipal authorities.
  Yes    No
The project should comply with the costal zone regulations, eco sensitive zone regulations, heritage areas, water body zones or any other such regulations concerning a potential hazard area.
  Yes    No
Window Wall Ratio (WWR) % should not exceed 60 %
  Yes    No
Minimum 25% of the living area shall be daylighted and shall meet the level of daylight prescribed in NBC ( National Building Code) 2005
  Yes    No
Minimum threshold points for all category must be met.
  Yes    No
Sub-Group Maximum points Minimum points to be achieved
Landscape 6 3
Energy 21 11
Water & Waste 11 6
Materials 8 4
Others 4 1
 Agree to All
The project for construction must have all necessary clearances as the local building bye-laws/ municipal authorities.
  Yes    No
The project should comply with the costal zone regulations, eco sensitive zone regulations, heritage areas, water body zones or any other such regulations concerning a potential hazard area.
  Yes    No
Demonstrate that all the appliances installed are BEE star labelled or of equivalent performance.
  Yes    No
Minimum threshold points for all category must be met.
  Yes    No
Sub-Group Maximum points Minimum points to be achieved
Sustainable Site Planning 12 6
Sustainable Building Materials 7 4
Energy Optimization 8 4
Occupant Comfort and Wellbeing 7 4
Water Management 8 4
Solid Waste Management 3 1
Sustainable Lifestyle 5 2
Innovation 2 -
 Agree to All
The GRIHA for Existing Building project boundary must comply with applicable municipal, state and local building bylaws related to environmental laws and regulations in place where the project is located.
  Yes    No
A built-up area of project must be greater than 2,500 sq. is eligible for rating.
  Yes    No
The GRIHA Existing building project must be 75% occupied and all building systems in operational condition for a minimum period of 12 months.
  Yes    No
Once the project is rated they must commit to share energy and water consumption data with GRIHA Council for a period of at least 5 years.
  Yes    No
Sl. No. Sections Maximum points
1. Site Parameters 06
2. Maintenance and Housekeeping 17
3. Energy 35
4. Water 25
5. Occupant Health & Comfort 12
6. Social Aspects 05
7. Bonus Points 04
Approval/Sanction letter issued by government agency (Central/State/ULBs*) confirming that the project falls under Affordable Housing category or is being developed as per Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY).
  Yes    No
The GRIHA for Affordable Housing project boundary must comply with applicable municipal, state and local building bylaws related to environmental laws and regulations in place where the project is located.
  Yes    No
* Any other government body/agency.
Agree to All
The site plan must be in conformity to the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines.
  Yes    No
Preserve existing mature trees on-site/transplant mature trees on site/compensatory plantation of native trees in ratio 1:3.
  Yes    No
Adopt measures on site to prevent air pollution during construction.
  Yes    No
Provide 3 meter high barrication around the construction area.
  Yes    No
Automatic timer based control for 100% outdoor lighting fixtures.
  Yes    No
Install a dedicated energy meter for each dwelling unit.
  Yes    No
Reduce water consumption in building by 20 % over base case.
  Yes    No
Water meters must be installed at fresh water inlet and STP outlet (if provided).
  Yes    No
100% insulation used in the building must be CFC and HCFC free.
  Yes    No
Refrigerants used in the HVAC systems must be CFC and HCFC free.
  Yes    No
Fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers must be halon free.
  Yes    No
Provision for necessary safety equipment and measures as per NBC 2016 must be implemented for construction workers on site.
  Yes    No
Provision for drinking water, hygienic working, living conditions and sanitation facilities for construction workers.
  Yes    No
Measures to ensure zero exposure of non-smoking occupants to tobacco smoke.
  Yes    No
Quality of water from all sources must conform to IS standards (post and pre construction).
  Yes    No
Section Maximum points
Energy management 12
Water management 8
Occupant health and comfort 8
Well being and social aspects 9
Air quality 6
Solid waste management 7
Total 50
 Agree to All
The construction site should have necessary clearances and should not be under legal dispute.
  Yes    No
Storm water management -
Ensure that the storm water management plan on site is developed such that the post-development peak run-off rate and quantity from 5-year 24 hour design does not exceed the pre-development peak run-off rate and quantity.
Ensure incorporation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and other storm water management strategies in site planning to ensure that 80 per cent of total solids, 95 per cent of litter and at least 90 per cent of hydrocarbons are removed from the storm water.
  Yes    No
Reduce the total amount of energy (kWh) required from the local Municipal grid/Diesel gensets by at least 25 per cent.
  Yes    No
Outdoor street and security lighting -
Outdoor street and security lighting meets the required lux levels as required by IESNA.
Automatic switching/ dimming controls to be provided for all outdoor lightings.
  Yes    No
Reduce the total amount of water required from the local Municipal grid/groundwater by at least 25 per cent.
  Yes    No
Quality of water -
Ensure that quality of potable as well as non-potable water complies with relevant BIS standards.
Ensure that quality of captured rainwater for storage and recharge as well as recycled water for use, comply with the relevant BIS standards.
  Yes    No
Handling and treatment of special waste -
On-site incinerators to be provided for treatment of medical / hospital waste or provision for the same to be sent to a treatment facility.
Provide contractual tie-up with e-waste recyclers for purchase and safe recycling of e-waste from site.
  Yes    No
Reduce emissions, due to intra-site travel, by at least 25 per cent below GRIHA LD base case.
  Yes    No
Provision of footpaths and bicycling tracks and for safe interaction of NMT traffic with motorized traffic -
All roads should have footpaths/sidewalks and cycle tracks.
Footpaths, sidewalks and cycle tracks should be continuous, wide and universally accessible.
Supporting infrastructure and facilities like bicycle parking, landscaping, public conveniences, etc., should be provided on site.
Necessary physical safety measures like railings, non-slippery surfaces, etc., must be taken on site.
  Yes    No
Facilities for construction workers -
All safety norms of NBC 2005 must be implemented on site during construction.
All construction workers must have access to clean drinking water and hygienic toilets on site.
Accommodation facilities for the construction workers must be clean, hygienic, with access to clean drinking water and toilets.
Child labour should be banned on site.
  Yes    No
Year of Establishment*
School Timings

Number of working days in a year*
Number of students*
Number of teachers*
Number of non-teaching staff*
Are all classroom air-conditioned*
  Yes    No
Do you have boarding facility (hostel) in your school?*
  Yes    No
Do you have the following
   Last one year electricity bills*
  Yes    No
   Last one year water bills*
  Yes    No
   Last one year diesel bills (if using a diesel generator)
  Yes    No
School Type*
Building Type
Board Followed
Source of water supply
Project description (Brief summary about the project in around 500 words)
Owner of the building/client name*
Owner/client Address*
Email Id* (Multiple email addresses are allowed e.g.(,
Development Type*
Is Master plan required*
  Yes    No
Number of proposed phases*
Site area of Phase 1*
Proposed built-up area for Phase 1

What part of the total built-up area (complete project) will be constructed by the developer/client (please express in percentage of the total)*
The final proposed population size*
Year of approval of Masterplan by local authorities*
EIA received*
  Yes    No
Year of EIA clearance for the project*
Supply of electricity and water to the site is assured*
  Yes    No
Masterplan consultant/Architect
Structural Consultant
MEP Consultant
Environmental/Energy Consultant
Section Maximum points
Smart Governance 16
Water Supply and Management 20
Sanitation and Municipal Solid Waste Management 18
Sustainable Mobility 18
Energy Optimization and Management 16
Quality of Life 12
Total 100
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GRIHA Council